A growing body of research highlights that the mental health of young people worldwide is in decline. A series of recent papers by David “Danny”…
Lab Talk
There are plastics lodged in the human brain. How do they get there, and what are they doing?
One of the major changes in our environment over the last two decades has been the huge increase in plastic pollution. Does plastic get into…
A comparison of measures and methodologies of the Global Mind Project, World Mental Health Survey Initiative & World Happiness Report
Tracking and understanding the mental state of populations around the world is important for understanding how we are faring as a collective humanity and determining…
Representativeness of the Global Mind Project Data
Self-report survey has been one of the main tools in the study of human populations in matters of mind across numerous disciplines from Sociology to…
Understanding the Construction of the MHQ Score
Here we explain how and why the MHQ scale is constructed including addressing common questions such as why the MHQ uses a negative-positive scale as…
EEG Approaches to Measuring Depth of Anesthesia
What are the common approaches to measuring depth of anesthesia in clinical application and how do we evaluate the algorithms used? Monitoring the depth of…
Bayesian Model Selection For DCM Using EEG
How do you compare and select the best Bayesian model in Dynamic Causal Modeling or DCM of EEG data? In the previous two blogs we…
Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM): DCM – Neural Mass Models and Bayesian Inference
This post discusses the core components of neural mass models and Bayesian inference in DCM applied to EEG.
Glia As Key Players in Network Activity and Plasticity
After decades of being ignored, the important role of glia in shaping network activity and behavior is redefining how we understand the brain. For decades…
Dynamic Causal Modeling and the Application of Bayes Theorem
Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) takes a probabilistic Bayesian framework to infer effective or causal connectivity, essentially to model how a stimulus would influence the connectivity…