The Global Mind Database (previously the Mental Health Million Database) is the world’s largest and most comprehensive dataset on global mental health and wellbeing.
It provides a dynamic, real-time view of how changes to the social, cultural and technological fabric of society are impacting the mental health and wellbeing of the Internet-enabled global population.
Scale And Scope Of The Data
The database offers the largest source of real-time global data on 47 mental health parameters coupled with demographic and social determinants of the Internet-enabled world population.

Open Access Research
The data is freely available to all researchers from academic, nonprofit and governmental organizations.
Data can be used for numerous research purposes including:

Social determinants of mental health

Comparing mental health across the globe

Tracking of mental wellbeing over time

Help seeking behaviors and barriers

Structure of symptom networks

Diversity of mental health phenotypes
Featured Data Domains
The project includes data to facilitate research on high priority areas including:
Processed Food consumption
Smartphone use and ownership
Adverse Childhood Experience
Physical exercise
Friendship & Family Relationships
Substance use
Religion & Spirituality
Interaction between physical & mental health
Work & Productivity
Data is generated using an online tool called the MHQ Assessment that is free for anyone aged 18+ to take, anonymous, takes 15-20 mins to complete and returns to individuals a personalized report on completion.

Online, Free & Anonymous

Takes 15-20 minutes

Personalized Report
This validated, transdiagnostic assessment tool collects data across 47 elements of mental health and wellbeing together with numerous life context factors and life traumas.
Symptoms covering 10 mental health disorders taken from 126 commonly used questionnaires and interviews.
E.g. geography; age; gender; education; employment; income.
Social & Lifestyle Factors
E.g. smartphone use; exercise; socializing; friendships; family relationships.
Medical Factors
E.g. medical conditions, substance use; help seeking behavior & barriers.
Traumas & Adversities
E.g. sexual abuse; cyberbullying; death of loved one; divorce; war.
Aggregated Scores
Aggregated scores of overall mental wellbeing as well as 6 individual dimensions.
Global Reach
The database currently includes data from 100+ countries with 60+ countries having over 2000 records. The database compiles together data collected in 17+ languages including English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Portuguese (Brazilian & European), German, Swahili, Hindi, Italian, Hebrew, Russian, Chinese and Tamil, Finnish, Korean and Japanese.

Map of Global Mind Project Countries (2023)
Dynamic access on brainbase
Access to the database is through our platform Brainbase where data is dynamically updated as people take the MHQ (approximately 1000-2000 responses added each day).
You can search and compile datasets by country, language, age and gender.
Who can access the database?
The Global Mind Project Database is freely available for use for non-commercial purposes.
Non commercial use
The database is available to researchers and non-commercial organizations whose main purpose is not directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation. This includes Public Sector Organizations (e.g. Universities, Schools, Public Health, Social Services, NGOs), Registered Charities, Registered Community Interest Companies and Registered Social Enterprises.
Please read our terms and conditions for non commercial use here. You will be asked to confirm your acceptance of these terms when you request access to the data.
Commercial Use
All individuals or organizations other than those listed above as Non-Commercial need to obtain a Commercial License to use the data. For organizations who would like to request a Commercial License please contact to discuss your requirements.
The Database is free for everyone to use for non-profit /non-commercial purposes. If you are a commercially funded organization or researcher then please contact to discuss your requirements.
The data is hosted on our in-house data repository called Brainbase (
The databased in updated in real time as soon as a respondent takes the MHQ. Approximately 1000-2000 records are added per day.
Information on the data descriptors and other supporting information can be found once you login to Brainbase. There are shared files that contain information on the column structure and data entries.
The file is downloadable as a CSV file. You can choose to download all the data (warning: the file size is quite large) or you can choose to download a subset of the data using our data filtering interface. The interface allows you to filter by country, language, time, age and gender.
Yes, the data is fully anonymized. In the MHQ assessment, respondents are given the option to provide an email address to receive a personalized report containing their MHQ score. These email addresses are encrypted and converted into anonymized identifiers that can be used to identify repeat respondents within the data.
The data used in this study received ethics approval from the Health Media Lab Institutional Review Board (Office for Human Research Protections Institutional Review Board #00001211, Federal Wide Assurance #00001102, IORG #0000850).
Yes, as long as they are going to use it for not-for-profit purposes. However, it is better to get them to set up their own Brainbase account so that they can also be part of the community and receive updates about the data.
Yes, you can. Please get in touch with us at: so we can discuss your requirements.
Please use the following citation for the database: Newson, J., & Thiagarajan, T. (2021, June 17). Dynamic Dataset of Global Population Mental Wellbeing.
Go to the brainbase page ( ) and click on “Forgot password?”.
The MHQ was developed based on a comprehensive review of symptoms assessed across 126 commonly used psychiatric assessment tools spanning 10 disorders including depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Bipolar, ASD, ADHD, eating disorder, addiction and psychosis. The resultant 47 elements were then split into two formats: mental functions that could manifest as a spectrum from positive to negative and those symptoms that purely represented detractions from overall mental health. You can read more here and here.
The MHQ was developed 1) for a general population to look across the spectrum from distressed to thriving and 2) to span the full breadth of potential symptoms. You can read more here.
The MHQ includes 47 questions relating to mental functioning (27 spectrum questions, 20 problem questions). It also includes questions on life context factors that are important contributors to mental being. You can read more here.
Spectrum questions are designed to reflect the fact that the element could be an asset for some individuals but a problem for others. The scale for these questions therefore ranges from “It is a real challenge and impacts my ability to function”, through to “It is a real asset to my life and my performance”. You can read more here.
Problem questions are designed to reflect functions or dysfunctions that typically have a negative impact on someone’s life and could rarely be seen as a positive asset. The scale for these questions therefore ranges from “Never causes me any problems” through to “Has a constant and severe impact on my ability to function”.You can read more here.
Both spectrum and problem questions are answered based on the current perception of the respondent. You can read more here.
The Mental Health Quotient or MHQ is an aggregate metric of mental health, that positions individuals on a spectrum from distressed to thriving. It is based on an algorithm that thresholds ratings as negative and positive based on the severity of impact to function and applies a nonlinear transformation of the scale such that increasing negative impact to function is amplified. You can read more here.
The assessment has been validated for sample to sample consistency and MHQ scores have been validated as an effective measure of functional impact in various ways. First, MHQ scores linearly relate to work productivity including absenteeism and presenteeism and MHQ scores decrease systematically as the number of clinical symptoms and clinical diagnoses increase. The life impact scale has also been validated against other scales of frequency and severity of symptoms. Finally elements of the assessment have been validated against the PHQ-9 and GAD-7. You can read more here.
The MHQ is a transdiagnostic measure of mental health and wellbeing. It was developed based on the symptoms asked about in commonly used mental health assessment tools and interviews spanning 10 disorders including depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Bipolar, ASD, ADHD, eating disorder, addiction and psychosis and therefore contains elements that can be mapped to the disorder criteria laid out in the DSM-5. You can read more about this mapping and alignment here. Validation data across a sample of 174,618 respondents, showed that 89% of people who have MHQ scores in the distressed category range (MHQ score <−50) had symptom profiles that aligned with at least one of the 10 DSM-5–defined disorders. You can read more here.
Custom versions of the MHQ can be developed for research and/or measurement of mental wellbeing of specific populations (e.g. Employees of a particular Company, University Student Body, Municipality etc). To inquire about creating and using a custom version please contact