Many features of the EEG have been used to predict seizures. Here we explore their performance showing that linear features perform as well as non…
Lab Talk
The Challenge of Seizure Prediction
Despite a large number of papers and competitions, accurate detection of seizures remains elusive. Here are some of the key challenges. According to the World…
Challenges of Methodological Variability in EEG
Methodological variability is a challenge in the EEG field at various levels. This video provides a view of these challenges in four major areas along…
What’s New in the EEGLAB Signal Processing Platform
EEGLAB is an open source platform running on Matlab with a large set of functions for analyzing the EEG signal that are constantly being updatd. …
Electrical Field Potentials from Mouse to Human
There are many differences between mouse and human brains. How does this play out in the field potential signals such as LFP and EEG? The…
The Temple University Hospital EEG Corpus
The Temple University Hospital (TUH) Corpus with over 30,000 EEG records and associated clinical reports is one of the largest open EEG data repositories available….
Connectivity Estimation with Wavelet Coherence
Wavelet transforms can be used to compute coherence in the EEG and estimate dynamic interactions. Here is a primer on how to do this. Analogous…
Applications of Wavelets in EEG
In the previous blogpost, we discussed how wavelets allow us to perform time-frequency characterization of non-stationary signals such as EEG. Here we discuss some applications…
Time-Frequency Analysis and Wavelets
Wavelets overcome limitations of methods such as the fourier transform by enabling a view of changes across both time and frequency. Here is a primer…
The Impact of Individual Differences in Neuroimaging Data
Inter and intra person variability in brain metrics across the population can result in misleading interpretation of results. It is important to understand the distributions…