Large intraperson variability in fMRI results for the same task questions the interpretation of decades of research, and makes a stronger case for EEG research. […]
Lab Talk
Measuring a Thought
We all intuitively recognize a thought when we have one but a thought is hard to describe as measurable or observable factors. We all have […]
Intelligence and Neuroscience
Intelligence research has been the domain of psychology and sociology and barely intersects with neuroscience. Yet intelligence has everything to do with the brain, and […]
The Diminishing Value of the Scientific Journal Article
The sheer volume of scientific articles makes validation and discovery of results near impossible. The solution may lie in doing away with the journal article […]
EEG and FMRI Journal Stats
Which journals publish human neuroscience papers? Definitely not Nature and Science. Here are the top 25 EEG journals (and some top FMRI journals). An earlier […]
EEG and FMRI Publications by Country
~70% of FMRI papers and 75% of EEG papers come from Western Europe (including UK, Brexit notwithstanding) and the United States but China has shown […]
EEG and FMRI Papers by the Numbers
Over half a million fMRI and EEG papers have been published to date . What drives the trajectory? What have we learned? Who would actually […]