Entropy measures are affected by data length, choice of window length and threshold suggesting caution in how they are used and interpreted. In previous posts…
Lab Talk
Measuring Entropy in the EEG
Entropy measures quantify the uncertainty in the EEG, which roughly equates to the possible configurations or their predictability. However there are many method and parameter…
The Diminishing Value of the Scientific Journal Article
The sheer volume of scientific articles makes validation and discovery of results near impossible. The solution may lie in doing away with the journal article…
Turning Brainwaves to Sound
Turning brainwaves recorded with EEG into sound has a fifty year history in art. With clever approaches to the signal, ‘listening’ to the EEG can…
Factors that Impact Power Spectral Density Estimation
Intra-person Variability in the EEG
Our brain activity are in constant flux and fundamental aspects of the dynamics vary both across the brain and over time. For some people this…
Neuromarketing with EEG: The Science and the Hype
Neuromarketing using EEG takes advantage of frontal asymmetry as a measure of emotional engagement but confounds abound and better methods are needed for real results. …
Cognitive Health: Defining and Measuring it
The brain’s primary function is cognition. Why don’t we have measures of cognitive health as a fundamental metric of a healthy brain? Like the heart’s…
The Brain’s Inner Sweet Tooth
Sugars such as glucose are an essential source of energy for the brain’s metabolic process but there is a flip side. The term “sugars”, is…
Creativity in the Brain
What is creativity and can we actually study its underpinnings in the brain? Its no simple challenge but doing so may yield key insights into…