The Mental State of the World Report 2021

March 15th , 2022

This is the second year of the Mental State of the World Report providing a view of the Internet enabled English speaking population in eight countries: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, India, Singapore and South Africa.

The report covers:

  • The Aggregate Mental State of the English- Speaking World
  • The Mental Wellbeing of Countries
  • Age and Mental Wellbeing
  • Gender and Mental Wellbeing
  • Lifestyle Factors that Impact Mental Wellbeing
  • The Mental Cost of the Covid-19 Pandemic

The 2021 Report is based on 223,000 responses from 34 countries in four languages.

This report is published by the Global Mind Project (previously the Mental Health Million Project), which tracks our collective mental wellbeing and how it evolves as society changes in order to:

  • Identify demographics and geographies that have the highest risks for different problems.
  • Understand the drivers and social determinants of mental wellbeing that can be affected at a population level through policy.

See more in:

The New York Times
Sky News
The Telegraph

The Mental State Of The World Report 2020
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Cite this report as:
Newson JJ, Pastukh V, Sukhoi O, Taylor J and Thiagarajan TC, Mental State of the World 2020, Sapien Labs, March 2021

See more in:

The New York Times
The Telegraph
Sky News