What is your Mental Wellbeing Score?
Take the MHQ to find out.
Its anonymous and takes 15 minutes or less.
Under 18? Click here to take the YouthMHQ.

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You must be 18 years or older to take this assessment. We do not collect any explicitly identifying information. You can read our privacy policy here. Your response will form part of the Global Mind Project (previously the Mental Health Million Project), providing insight into the mental wellbeing of the global population.
Your MHQ Score and Report
Overall MHQ Score
The MHQ will automatically provide you with a composite mental wellbeing score when you have answered all the questions. You can also request an optional report with sub scores along six dimensions of mental health along with explanations and recommendations by providing your email.

Scores across 6 dimensions of mental health

Your MHQ Score
Carousel title
How to Improve Your Mood and Outlook
You can improve your mood and outlook by taking care of yourself. Meet your basic needs, stay...
The Connection Between our Mental and Physical Health
Our mind-body connection describes the overlap between mental and physical health. Taking care of...
Fulfilling our Goals and Dreams Depends on our Drive and Motivation
Drive and motivation determine our ability to achieve goals. Managing underlying problems and...
Is symptom-based diagnosis of mental health disorders doing more harm than good?
We need to abandon the conventional way of diagnosing mental health disorders by symptoms and...
Reconsidering Mental Illness Diagnosis
Existing mental health diagnosis systems are flawed and can lead to ineffective labelling and...
Breaking Through Mental Health Boxes
Is it time to reconsider traditional ideas around mental health diagnosing? Mental health...
Challenges of Mental Health Diagnosing
Today’s methods of understanding and diagnosing mental health conditions are limited. New systems...
Complex Cognition Reflects our Ability to Deal with Complicated Situations
Complex cognition involves decision-making, planning, and creativity. It impacts our ability to...
Our Everyday Tasks Depend on Core Cognition
Core cognition affects your basic functioning such as memory, attention, and everyday interactions...
How to Improve Your Mood and Outlook
You can improve your mood and outlook by taking care of yourself. Meet your basic needs, stay...
The Connection Between our Mental and Physical Health
Our mind-body connection describes the overlap between mental and physical health. Taking care of...
Fulfilling our Goals and Dreams Depends on our Drive and Motivation
Drive and motivation determine our ability to achieve goals. Managing underlying problems and...
Is symptom-based diagnosis of mental health disorders doing more harm than good?
We need to abandon the conventional way of diagnosing mental health disorders by symptoms and...
Reconsidering Mental Illness Diagnosis
Existing mental health diagnosis systems are flawed and can lead to ineffective labelling and...
Breaking Through Mental Health Boxes
Is it time to reconsider traditional ideas around mental health diagnosing? Mental health...