Neuromarketing using EEG takes advantage of frontal asymmetry as a measure of emotional engagement but confounds abound and better methods are needed for real results. …
Lab Talk
Brainbase Beta
Brainbase is a platform to accelerate and amplify EEG research that will launch in a couple months. Here is a sneak peek. EEG research today…
Creativity in the Brain
What is creativity and can we actually study its underpinnings in the brain? Its no simple challenge but doing so may yield key insights into…
Alpha Oscillations and Attention
Alpha activity in the EEG is associated with attention and internal imagery but questions remain. Alpha oscillations are perhaps the most noticeable feature of EEG…
Mobile Brain/Body Imaging with EEG
Measuring brain activity with EEG along with body movement in a real world environment can tell us much more than controlled lab experiments. Welcome MoBI….
Genes, Bees and Who We Become
Studies of gene expression in bees and humans suggest that who we become may be far more dependent on where we are and what we…
1001 Apps that Use Your Brain Waves
From neurofeedback and brain training to video games, apps that make use of your brain waves are growing in numbers and possibilities. It’s December 2014…
Introducing the Human Brain Diversity Project
With 7 billion people and an equally large diversity of human life experience, how can we understand the range of normal of brain function? Join…
Crowdsourcing, Citizen Science, and Data-sharing
The future of human neuroscience lies in crowdsourcing, citizen science and data sharing but it is not without its minefields. A recent Scientific American article…
Citizen Science and EEG
Citizen Science and the study of the mind is empowered by EEG. How will it change the trajectory of Neuroscience? I used to have a…