Power from the people: Commercial headsets such as Muse deliver insights on aging from large-scale EEG datasets. For decades scientists have focused on collecting EEG…
Lab Talk
Alpha Oscillations and Attention
Alpha activity in the EEG is associated with attention and internal imagery but questions remain. Alpha oscillations are perhaps the most noticeable feature of EEG…
Deconstructing a Thought
The quest to find the physiological substrate of a thought has been elusive. What should we be looking for? Distributed memories American psychologist Karl Lashley…
From Mouse Brain to Human Brain
Why you can’t learn about the human brain from monkeys, rats and mice Much of neuroscience research spending and published output relates to studies done…
Alpha Oscillations and Modernization
Modernization may have influenced the emergence of a strong alpha oscillation in the human EEG and contributed to greater diversity in brain dynamics. Alpha: the…
Can EEG put the Learning Style Debate to Rest?
Physiological inquiry using EEG could ultimately put the learning styles debate to rest and even shed new insights Every Monday morning children aged from teeny…
Building Global Collaborations for the Human Brain Diversity Project
With standardized metadata and EEG data formats, collaborations around the world can lead to large scale datasets and multidimensional insights into brain diversity. With over…
Complexity of the EEG Reflects Life Context
The complexity of our brain dynamics as measured by EEG reflects the complexity of our experience. Modern Life is more complex When was the last…
The Blue Frog in the EEG
Alpha, beta, gamma what? Spectral decomposition of the EEG signal may lose critical information. In 1924 when Hans Berger first found a signal from the…
The Impact of Modern Life on the Human Brain
We live in the Anthropocene age – the recent age of modern man. An age where humankind is now the dominant influence over our planet….